
Summer’s First Blush: Apricots

The Royal Blenheim apricot is probably the most popular variety of apricot. Apricots, as I write in today's Seasonal Pantry, arrived a few weeks earlier than usual this year. This doesn't mean there will be a longer season but rather the opposite; the season will likely conclude earlier [...]

By | May 28th, 2014|0 Comments

One’s Too Many, A Hundred Ain’t Enough: Some things are just too good

A few days ago, I was chatting with a friend who is also a fellow chef and teacher. Between us was an enormous bowl of lemons, the leftovers of a bushel that friends had given me. As we chatted about what we like to do when we have a lot [...]

By | May 21st, 2013|11 Comments

Fresh From Our Farmers: Santa Rosa #2

Over the last several years, farmers markets, always a great destination for seasonal produce, have become among the best sources for healthy fats and proteins. The Saturday Santa Rosa Original Certified Farmers Market has what may be the best selection of all Sonoma County markets.

By | May 30th, 2011|6 Comments