
Foie Gras on New Year’s Eve, Now or Possibly Never

If you want to indulge in foie gras, unquestionably a celebratory delight, to see in a new year, 2012 may be your last possibility, at least in California. On July 1, 2012, California Senate Bill 1520 (SB 1520), which forbids the production and sale of foie gras produced by "force-feeding," [...]

By | December 27th, 2011|0 Comments

Apple Juice & Black Pepper Sauce for Foie Gras & Chicken

A sauce of apple juice, apple cider vinegar, black pepper and butter is delicious on both seared foie gras and roasted chicken. And what's just as good or even better is that it takes just minutes to make.

By | December 28th, 2010|2 Comments

Foie Gras for New Year’s Eve? Order Now.

If you're making last-minute plans to entertain at home on New Year's Eve, you still have time to order from Sonoma Foie Gras, if you hurry. Orders must be placed by 5 p.m. this evening.

By | December 28th, 2010|1 Comment