Today’s Mouthful mistakenly listed a party taking place today at the Davero Tasting Room as happening tomorrow.

Here’s the deal. From 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., the makers of what I believe is the finest olive oil in California are having a party at their new tasting room, located at 766 Westside Rd. TODAY, not tomorrow.

A beautiful old olive tree in the beautiful patio at Davero's new tasting room

Santa Rosa’s Rosso Pizzeria is joining in the fun. The Rosso gang has brought their mobile wood oven to Davero and is selling made-to-order pizza doused with Davero’s Olio Nuovo, polenta Bolognese, fresh mozzarella and their version of burrata with prosciutto, throughout the day.

You’ll be able to taste the new olive oil, along with Davero wines and more, as you hang out in the beautiful picnic area. If you need to refill your olive oil jug, don’t forget to bring it.

Huge apologies to Davero and everyone–including myself–who put the fete on their calendar for tomorrow.

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