In today’s Seasonal Pantry, I explore the Mediterranean diet, which is enjoying a resurgence of popularity. You can read that article here. As promised in that column, here are links to some Mediterranean-inspired recipes from the Pantry’s archives. This post focuses on flavors of North Africa and the Middle East and is the second of several posts. There will be more soon.

Preserved lemons, easy to make at home, are essential in many North African cuisines, especially Moroccan.

Chickpeas with Toasted Bread & Yogurt


Homemade Hummus bi Tahini

Chickpeas with Cilantro & Mint

Making and Using Preserved Lemons

Moroccan Sweet Potato Salad

Carrot Salad with Black Olives, Pecans, Pomegranates & Goat Feta

Eggplant with Pomegranate, Yogurt & Tahini

Moroccan-Inspired Soup with Spring Vegetables, Preserved Lemons & Cilantro Sauce  Use this soup as a template and vary specific ingredients based on the seasons

Mashed Potatoes with Olive Oil, Scallions & Parsley

Chicken Tagine with Preserved Lemons & Green Olives

Chicken Marinated in Yogurt

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