Today is National Clam Chowder Day.

Our haul of clams, near Southold, Long Island

Who knew? Certainly not me. Yesterday a friend posted information about it on his facebook page and I immediately thought of the chowder I made on Long Island late last summer, after digging the clams myself.

It is perfect weather for clam chowder. If you have time, consider a drive to Bodega Bay’s Spud Point Crab Company for a bowl of their extremely popular chowder. It is one of 9-year-old Lucas’s favorite things to do; he’s been downing that chowder since he was old enough to hold a spoon.

Do you have a favorite clam chowder at a local restaurant? If so, please tell us about it in the comments section.

You can, of course, make clam chowder yourself, quite easily. I prefer New England style and my version is rather thin, as I like it without the flour that is added to thicker versions. If you prefer a thicker version, you can still use my recipes. Just add two or three tablespoons of flour to the onions after sauteing them and cook for about 2 minutes before adding the other ingredients.

First, we steamed open the clams

Here are three easy recipes from the Seasonal Pantry archives.

Clam Chowder for a Crowd (or for really great leftovers)

New England Clam Chowder

Smoky Clam Chowder with Bacon, Chipotle & Cilantro

Chowder in the pot

Chowder, ready to eat. From shell to table, it took under an hour to prepare

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